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E. Laura Golberg

E. Laura Golberg
Laura's poetry has appeared in Rattle, Poet Lore, Barrow Street, RHINO, Gargoyle and the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics among other places. She won first place in the DC Commission on the Arts Larry Neal Poetry Competition. Her chapbook ‘The Terrible Man on the Plane and Other Poems About My Mother' has been published by Bottlecap Press.
E. Laura Golberg, born in England, lives in Washington, DC with her husband.
Upcoming Publications
Harmony Magazine, University of Arizona ‘Sanctuary Garden,’ ‘How to Hug’, ‘Seizures in The Time of Covid’
Main Street Rag ‘For the Girl, Shot’, ‘Hankering’
Paterson Literary Review ‘Final Touch’, ‘Old Age Is’
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